Finally, a full half hour news show with news catered specifically for the LGBT community.
CBS News on Logo is not new, but previously they have only offered quick bits of info that come during commericial breaks. Now, the network has announced they will launch a complete news show. The program, which will continue to be hosted by Jason Bellini, will mix headlines with deeper coverage of current issues like the Employment Non-Discrimination Act and HIV/AIDS. The series will also take a gay look at pop culture.
Now if you read this and you're asking yourself, "What is Logo?" - then you need your ass whipped. It's TV made for gay folks by gays folks. It actually is a network owned by Viacom (which also owns MTV, Vh1, and BET). So if you're a subscriber of cable and you have not yet picked up this channel, then do so. I've said it before and I'll continue to say it, if you don't support stuff made for us, then eventually it will go away.
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