Am I hearing this correctly? The President has always labeled himself an ally of the LGBT community (although many argue that he has not done anything to help our cause on the most important issues). Now that something has been done by this judge from California, will the President leave it alone and let the decision stand. Or will there be a push to get Congress to do more.
This judge has done more for the LGBT community with the stroke of a pen than President has done during his entire two year tenure. And it's saddening when I think that Barack had the power to do this himself. The president has (had) the power to sign an executive order that could have ended all military discharges that fell under DADT and he never did it.
I read somewhere [sorry this is from recollection and I can't site the article] that someone in Iraq was asked what this would mean for soldiers currently serving in the war. His response was basically that he didn't think anyone overseas knew about the decision. And even if they did, there were priorities like fighting the war and staying alive that trumped any decision to now come out while serving.
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