On Friday evening I made it out
to the theater with a group of friends to see the new Stonewall film. I had already seen the trailer and I already
knew about the boycotting, but I decided I wanted to see this for myself to
form my own opinion. Let me just say
this, there is something to be said about going in to see a film with very low
expectations. When you’re not expecting
the film to be good, then can you appreciate the few shining moments that
unfold before you.
Before I criticize this project,
I have to admit, there were a few things that Roland Emerich got right. First,
while the film was white-washed, just by taking a look at the movie poster, you
can tell that it was not totally void of effeminate men and people of color. While the star was a young, cis-gendered,
white male, the movie did a great job celebrating the diverse cast of
characters that made up Christopher Street and that frequented Stonewall. I took joy in seeing black and brown, young
and old, cross-dressers and transgender folk on the big screen. While they were not the focus of the film, their
characters were developed enough for us to see how complex they were, and how
much of a community these individuals were to each other. It’s just unfortunate that these characters
took a back seat to “Danny” (Jeremy Irvine).
Also, in this film, we’re introduced
to Marsha P. Johnson. YAASSS!!! Ms. Johnson was an integral figure in the
story of Stonewall and an important character in the history of Christopher
Street. I thought Otoja Abit did a
fantastic job bringing to life this legendary character known for her mothering
spirit to the kids of this community and for her humility. Having Marsha in the film was definitely
something the film got right.
And finally, I have to appreciate
the film for giving us a sense of how horrible it was to be a “sexual deviant”
during this time. Whether you were gay
or lesbian or trans, it was horrible living during this time. The constant fear of being arrested just for
who you are had to exhausting and burdensome. The tale did not end with an arrest; an arrest
meant being outed as being gay. Being
outed meant losing your job and losing your social standing. We were considered mentally ill and a threat
to the general population.
Those are the things I loved
about the film. But here is where the film majorly FAILED!!! (Can I say SPOILER ALERT when this is all
evident in the trailer?) The film gives
all the credit for Stonewall to the white kid.
It’s like Marsha P. Johnson, the kids of Christopher Street, the members
of the Mattachine Society served no purpose. All of these folks supposedly garnered all
their inspiration, their rage, and their ability to fight back thanks to “Danny.”
The film did give credit to Marsha as being the first to shove a cop but that
moment did not start the riot. It was Danny that was the catalyst that started
all the Stonewall patrons to get angry, it was Danny that excited everyone to start fighting
back, and it was Danny who gets the credit for throwing the first brick.
This was not okay. Stonewall was the most important moment in
the history of LGBT civil rights in the United States. The historical significance of this event can
not be underestimated and should not be minimized and we should NOT re-invent the
evening and give credit to someone that does not deserve it. It is disrespectful and insulting to the
actual heroes of that night.
I walked away actually able to
say that I enjoyed the film. It is a
period piece that does a great job capturing what it was like for queer and trans
folks during this time. I loved the fact
that we got to see Marsha P. Johnson.
And I appreciated the fantastic cast of characters that added to the menagerie
of this movie. My only issue is that
Danny gets so much credit for the Stonewall riot. And let’s be real, if this film is about the
riot, then who gets credit for the riot is a hugely important part of getting
the film right. And this just didn’t
happen. I’m glad I went and saw it. But for those that are
boycotting, I must tell you, you’re absolutely right, the film is a misrepresentation
of history. But honestly, what film ever
Thanks for your review and honestly I appreciate you for posting this and telling the truth .. I remember being asked the question, What does Gay Pride mean to you? My answer, "celebrating Stonewall and its leaders for liberating our community. However, for some reason in America the history never gives the credit to where the credit is due. I hope that someone will be able to some day remake this movie and capture the truth in its entirety.
I don't mind it being know that I posted this
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