Jason Howard Green

Jason Howard Green

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Uganda Wants To Kill Gays

The country of Uganda is at it again. Now they have proposed legislation that would criminalize the promotion of same-sex activity and impose the death penalty for "aggravated homosexuality." According to Paul Schindler (writer for The Villager), the proposed anti-homosexuality law would supplement existing legal prohibitions on “carnal knowledge of any person against the order of nature” – a measure already used to persecute openly gay men and lesbians there.The new measure specifically criminalizes same-sex conduct – ranging from sexual stimulation to “touching another person with the intention of committing the act of homosexuality” with a potential sentence of life imprisonment.

For those found guilty of “aggravated homosexuality” –– defined as sexual conduct by “serial offenders” as well as those who are HIV-positive –– the potential penalty is a death sentence. The law would also ban political action on behalf of the LGBT community and impose jail time or a stiff fine for any with knowledge of a known homosexual that does not report it within 24 hours.

OH MY GOD! There were just under 50 protestors present at the Uganda House (the nation's permanent mission to the United Nations in Manhattan) demanding that Uganda not implement such a hateful and homophobic law. But time will tell what Uganda does next. The homophobia in its culture is so inate and ingrained that I would not be surprised is we saw this measure actually become a law. Hopefully the UN will try to exert a little influence and pursuade the country to do the right thing.

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